Category: DBBS workout challenge


Finally hit the 1hr mark of continuous rowing.  13.6km.  1104 Calories burned.  Let’s see if I can keep this up….

So I haven’t been posting much recently.  Been busy at lab and life.  Just a quick note about the challenge.  The terms have changed to either 30 min for 6 days a week or total 4 hours in a week of cardio.  Last week was 4 hours of biking (and then an extra hour of bball and a light jog afterwards).


Today: 35 min of rowing
Distance: 8km
(calculated 500m split is 2:11.3)

Haven’t improved my split time much, but I think I’m getting closer to the 2min/500m mark.

Day 3

Back on the erg today.

Total time: 30 min
Distance traveled: ~7km

On my way to burning off the “u” shape I gained during undergrad.  Now to work on eating much more healthily…

Decided to bike for my workout today instead of row.  Yes I know I wussed out.  What?  My back and shoulders are sore (especially since it’s been ages since I’ve hit the gym).


~7 miles (I think…)
30 min